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Why should I make a bigger Commitment?
In order to make a difference on our part, we rely on the generous support of the businesses & people. Any support provided is important to completion of all of our programs. Funding goes towards Class supplies, Guest Speakers, Meals, Community Service Supplies, Community Events, Operation Space, Uniforms etc. When you take a pledge or become a sponsor you are making a commitment to impacting the lives of those within our community.
Business Sponsor Packages
$100 Special
-Updates on progress of non -profit
-Acknowledgments & promotions on social media
-Write your sponsorship off on your taxes
-Your logo on our website
$200 Package
-Updates on progress of non -profit
-Acknowledgments & promotions on social media
-Write your sponsorship off on your taxes
-Add your logo to our site
-Company Merchandise
-Access to visit class &workshops with advanced scheduling
-Write your sponsorship off on your taxes
$300 Package or more
-Updates on progress of non -profit
-Acknowledgments & promotions on social media
-Write your sponsorship off on your taxes-Open access to sit in our Youth classes at any time
-Apparel, Accessories & Merchandise throughout the year
-Added logo to company site
-Your logo added to our T-shirts with sponsor acknowledgment
-Free food at all of our events
-A voice in program planning for our nonprofit organizations
To sponsor or make a pledge. Click Below !!
All pledgers receive free Merch and special invites to the events!! To be an official Pledger you must pledge $20 monthly or more!! Thank You!!
Current Sponsors
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